text!! ;)

ain't it good to know that you've got a friend when people can be so cold?
They hurt you and desert you. well they take your soul if you let them!
But Don't you let them!!!.

Man has always wanted a woman by his side to keep him company!
Women always knew that it takes a man to get matrimonial harmony!
Everybody knows that a man who's feeling down wants some female sympathy.
Gotta have love to carry on living, Gotta have love 'til eternity

Flowers in a desert need a drop of rain like a woman needs her man.!
If a man's in love and his woman wants the moon then he'll take it down if he can.
somebody who loves you and somebody who cares, isn't that what you call a friend?
Gotta have love to carry living, isn't it easy to understand??

People need hope, people need loving.
people need trust from a fellow man,
people need love to make a good living
people need faith in a helping hand


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