i belive.

i just want you close, where you can stay forever
you can be sure that it will only get better.
you and me together through the days and nights.
i don't worry cause everything's gonna be alright.
people keep talking, they can say what they like
but all i know is everything's gonna be alright.

no one can get in the way of what i'm feeling.
no one can get in the way of what i feel for you.

when the rain is pouring down and my heart i hurting
You will always be around, there's a no for certain.
i know some people serch the world to fin somthing like what we had.
i know people will try, try to devide something so real
so till the end of time i'm telling you theres no one.

Alicia keys- No One

Postat av: mistery guy ;)

Är det mig du skrivit om eller? ;D
Saknar dig Amanda!

2007-12-12 @ 23:02:42

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